Q. How old must my child be to attend?
A. 2 years 9 months by September 30th of the attending year.
Q. How do I find out if the school is closed due to inclement weather?
A. Listen to AM radio WICC 600-AM, WTNH, WNBC, New12 (Optimum Subscribers only) or call school for recorded message. You may also sign up to receive Text Messages with weather cancelations
Q. Are parents welcome to visit their child during the day?
A. Yes. We are an Open Door school environment and parents are welcome at our school at any time during the day or week.
Q. Do you provide meals and snacks?
A. No. Parents provide a healthy lunch and two snacks for their child. We are also a "Peanut Free" school - No peanut butter or other nuts or foods that may be processed with nuts are allowed.